c't - Magazin für Computertechnik review of First Fault Software Problem Solving book

c't – Magazin für Computertechnik has published a review:

http://www.heise.de/ct/inhalt/2010/08/192/ (in German)

Fabian Röken kindly translated it into English:

No single large software package comes without errors. It seems that customers simply accept this, patiently waiting and hoping for patches or updates. Skwire sticks up for a more target-aimed approach: one will never get a faultless software, but it would already be a great improvement if flaws were already solved on their first occurrence ("first fault") and not only after a long analysis ("second fault").

The advantages are actually obvious. However, a corresponding stringent system architecture, as common on mainframes such as IBM's z/OS, did not become prevalent in the PC market.

Skwire outlines the types of errors and strategies to resolve them in all details. His 40 years of experience, such as at IBM, shimmers through again and again. He puts emphasis on making sure that the reader understands the terminology he is using: "What is a problem in the first place?", "What is a service point?" - in some cases he also explains specific metrics such as the "serviceability rating".

His tool classification includes teaching tips, e.g. regarding the structure of a protocol in case of errors; or for tracking the important information how often an error must occur before a solution has to be approached. His suggestions equally address developers, designers, testers, managers - and the end user. In his last chapter he presents and reviews commercial tools in the first fault and second fault environment.

Skwire addresses a topic which is unfortunately very much neglected, and this alone already makes it worth enough to take a look at his book (***). Short quotations and humorous drawings relax the technical topic. If you are looking for an overview then you will be fine with this book. However, if you are a software developer looking for source code samples then you will search in vain. Skwire has released the book under the print-on-demand process. You will find it on Amazon, for example.

(Tobias Engler/fm)