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Symbols Mismatch in WinDbg w/ Digitally Signed EXE

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 5:04 pm
by LongJohn

We digitally sign each EXE and DLL that we distribute with signtool.exe to ensure that Vista / Windows Defender do not complain about it being unsigned.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get symbols to match up between the PDB file from Visual Studio (associated with the as-yet unsigned EXE) and the digitally-signed EXE that we distribute to customers, and which is the source of any crash dumps we may receive?

We have observed that in the process of digitally-signing an EXE, the signature (~8 KB) is not appended to the end of the EXE, but somewhere else, and code is actually relocated in the EXE.

The PDB file is then virtually useless, reducing us to using external disassembly of the signed EXE and reversing the offsets from WinDbg to find the proper locations in the source code.

Is there something obvious we are missing?
